All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.

World Cup - 2011

Men's Open - Round 5


# Player MVP Pts
1 Sebastian Theissing - -
2 John Clements - -
3 Harlan Swan - -
4 Johannes Moravitz - -
5 Daniel Bayer - -
6 Lukas Dobner - -
7 Travis Pittman 3 -
8 Douglas Culnane - -
9 Rafaela Yavala 2 -
10 Travis Potter - -
11 Hans-Peter Hoellwerth - -
12 Michael Piermayr - -
13 Lukas Gottschamel - -
15 Marek Swierad - 1


# Player MVP Pts
1 Khal Salim - 1
2 Michael Morgan - -
3 Huw Waythe - -
4 Matthew Burns 1 -
5 Will Tucker - 1
7 Ian Carter - -
8 Jo Osbaldeston - -
10 Roger Neighbours - 1
11 Kieran Hopkins 3 -
12 Daniel Rees - 1
13 Gianluigi Fecci 1 1
14 Iain Goldsworthy - 2
15 Scott Curnell - 2
16 Kieran Evans - 2


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.