News - Europe

FIT Calendar Survey

Nov. 21, 2011 @ 13:00 UTC

The Federation of International Touch (FIT) kindly requests that nations please complete the 'FIT EVENT — CALENDAR' survey either by responding with your comments in the attached PDF file and returning the file to Dennis Coffey (Secretary general) OR by undertaking the online survey available at this address:

2011 European Coaching Project

July 5, 2011 @ 11:46 UTC

The development of European coaches continues this year, with FIT Secretary General & coaching guru, Dennis Coffey, once again trekking across the continent conducting courses and upskilling coaching course presenters. The first course of the current tour saw a Level 2 Course held in Vienna, Austria.

Gif-Sur-Yvette L1 Coach Course

June 26, 2011 @ 11:49 UTC

Touch France continued on the path of technical development with the delivery of a L1 coaching course at Gif-Sur-Yvette in the south of Paris on the weekend 20 April-01 May 2011.

Touch on Web TV

June 26, 2011 @ 11:47 UTC

Touch in Italy has exposed itself to a new audience, via the new web TV portal - OVAL BIN - a multimedia portal for all oval ball sports, treated in a new and fresh way. The site will be a reference point for all those passionate "oval ball" sport supporters who are passionate to know more, beyond what standard sport news usually reports.

World Cup Takes Centre Stage!

June 26, 2011 @ 11:46 UTC

The 2011 Federation of International Touch (FIT) World Cup kicked into action today with the action fast & furious across all divisions, and arguably some upsets amongst the first round of matches.
