Touch Football Singapore hosted Coaching Workshop
Oct. 19, 2015 @ 3:05 UTC
On 6th of September, Touch Football Singapore hosted a Coaching Workshop for FIT coaches from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and the Philippines.
The workshop was hosted and organised by Anne Goh, Asia representative on the FIT Coaching Commission. The session was presented by the Singapore Women’s Open Coaching Team that guided the team to defending their bronze medal at the 2015 Touch World Cup.
Topics Covered:
- Line Defense: (Chris Wall)
- Fundamental Touch Skills (Maureen Thomson)
- Touch Fitness (Shane Morris)
- Coaching Assessment @ Touch World Cup 2015 (Anne Goh)
The day began with Shane Morris going through Touch Fitness and introduced the concepts of Aerobic Base Fitness, Speed Endurance, Agility & Speed. Shane went through drills targeting all of these areas including TABATAs Format (performing under fatigue), HITT, SIT, Weight training, resistance work, agility, ZUU training and plyometrics.
Maureen took the international group of coaches through an interesting session on the importance of having a Game Plan and how the Singapore Women addressed these issues at the recent Touch World Cup – team makeup, style of game, type of defense to be faced and how many players to be used in the squad.
Maureen also took the group through basic skills and introduced specific drills to address detailed issues to enhance specific player skills. The final practical session saw Chris Wall take the group through Defense and how defense has developed since the sport started from Full Mirror, Mexican Standoff, 4 Man Slide & Shut down and the different styles adopted by different squads around the World.
Anne Goh closed the workshop by explaining the support available to coaches in terms of coach assessment and coach coaching. Anne attended the World Cup as a Coach Assessor and spent time observing and providing feedback to international coaches. Feedback form the participating coaches were very positive. Many found the workshop productive and relevant. A big thank you to United World Collage Dover for the use of their facilities, all the presenters and to the participants for taking an active part in the sessions. A great day for all.