All Hallows Touch = All Fun!
Dec. 9, 2014 @ 11:56 UTC
The All Hallows Girls School from Brisbane, Australia, are currently on tour in Malaysia and having a fun time.
The group consists of 14 teachers and parents and 27 young ladies eager to enjoy playing and teaching Touch to local enthusiasts.
On Tuesday the group joined International School Kuala Lumpur and Royal Selangor Touch Club in a skills and drills session followed by games. Two solid hours of fun! This was followed on Wednesday with a tour to Putrajaya — the location for the FIT Touch World Cup 2019.
The All Hallows group enjoyed a tour of the Tunku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque — also known as the 'Iron Mosque' due to its stunning construction primarily of metal. This was followed by a clinic at the local primary school SK Putrajaya Precinct 8 (1) where the coaches and young players all joined in and had a load of 'Touch' fun. The session included 129 participants and was eagerly supported by the school Principal, parents and teachers.A group of almost 100 then moved on to play games against their hosts Scorpion Touch Club and some fast paced action was enjoyed. The Scorpion kids were impressed by the high skill level and athleticism of the visiting players and were wowed by some of the new skills and tactics they learned.
A couple of hours later — it was time to feed some hungry mouths and all went on to be hosted to a sit down dinner at the Putrajaya Lake Club — nice!
Token gifts of appreciation were offered to the visiting players, parents and teachers and the All Hallows group reciprocated with a load of brand new Touch balls that were greatly appreciated by the school group — where 'Touch' is a new sport that is being enjoyed by many. The local kids and teachers and parents were so happy to be supported by a visiting school tour group — in fact this was the first group eve to bring their Touch skills and friendship to Putrajaya.
All in all a great experience for all involved with kids making new friends through sport and introducing Touch as a dynamic sport to these future on field stars.
See pictured the All Hallows group and the local school group and some of the All Hallows girls taking a selfie with their new friends.