All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.

European Championships - 2018

Men's 40 - Round 1


# Player MVP Pts
1 Laurent Bondon 1 1
2 Richard Horne - -
3 Emmanuel Cordi - -
4 Jean-Louis Desmedt - -
8 Julien Le Blanc - -
9 Thierry Fallon - -
10 Colin Walker - -
11 Simon Dechamps - -
12 Chris Miles - -
13 Didier Poskin - 1
14 Loic Dahan - 1
15 Dimitri Dupont - -
16 Mkhuzi Gondwe - -


# Player MVP Pts
1 Dylan Adams - -
2 Adam williams - -
3 Chris Carroll - 2
4 Nick Carroll - 1
5 Alex Carroll - -
6 Stephen Higgs - 2
7 Iwan Davies - 2
9 Paul North - 1
10 Carwyn Willlington - -
11 Simon Enoch - 1
12 Stephen Hewitt - 2
13 Jon Francis - -
14 Aled Phillips 1 2
15 Andrew Harrison - 3


  • Karla Brincat
  • Gareth Hinds
  • Greg Taylor