All dates & times below have been adjusted to Pacific/Auckland timezone.

Trans Tasman - 2018

Men's Open - 3rd Test

New Zealand

# Player MVP Pts
1 Michael Cavanagh - -
2 Mitamurua Roy Graham - -
3 Matthew Sinclair - -
4 Maurice Stone - 1
5 Sean Law - 1
6 Shaquille Stone - -
7 Jeremy Rhind-Rogers - 1
9 Raiki Willison - 1
10 Ashton Robinson-Bartlett - -
11 Reihana Soutar-Finch - -
12 Ruamai Erueti - -
13 Carlos Savage - -
14 Eldon Kake - -
15 Connah Pamatatau - -


# Player MVP Pts
1 Jayden Benbow - -
2 Shaun Francis - 1
3 Peter Norman - -
4 James Blackwood - -
5 James Shute - -
6 Dylan Hennessey - 1
7 Scott Buckley - -
8 Nicholas Good - -
9 Justin Costello - -
10 Michael Law - -
11 Scott Bundy - 1
13 Robert Nakhla - 1
15 Adam Pryde - -
16 Jordan Marshall-King - 1


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.