All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.

Test Matches - 2023 - Wales vs Switzerland

Men's 45 - 2nd Test


# Player MVP Pts
1 Dylan Adams - -
2 Andrew Harrison - 3
3 Simon Enoch - 1
4 Carwyn Willlington - 1
5 Nick Waythe - -
6 Gwion Kennard - -
7 Aled Phillips - 1
8 Chris Brookes - -
9 Christian Rees - 1
10 Nick Carroll - 1
11 Paul Clarkson - 2
12 Chris Carroll - 1
14 Brendan Healy - 1
15 Iwan Davies - 3


# Player MVP Pts
1 James Weston - 2
4 James Vertigen - -
5 Tim Murphy - -
6 Rob Milns - -
7 Barry Thomas - -
8 Charles Isaac - -
10 Charles Robinson - -
11 Matt Friend - -
12 Creedence Waetford - -
13 Michael Hoffmann - -
14 Alexander Sweetman - -
15 Martyn Buttenshaw - -
17 James Mitchell - -
19 Bogdan Manescu - 1


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.

Score Sheet
